Reducing your own emissions

These resources have been curated by Positive Impact to support event sector small to medium enterprises acheive a net zero carbon target. Positive Impact is an Accelerator for Race to Zero.

These resources will be regularly updated. They were inspired by the goal to create a climate action framework for events and include resources from the SME Climate Hub tailored to the event sector.

At each step we will provide you with a checklist of 2 hours worth of action.

Here is your checklist for REDUCING YOUR OWN EMISSIONS.

The event sector supply chain is vast. This step will help you engage with your suppliers and also provide insight into what your clients could need from you.


1. UK Business Climate Hub steps that can be taken to cut your emissions and understand:

  • Actions you could take from cycling to work, to minimising waste to talking to your suppliers

UK Business Climate Hub steps that can be taken to cut your emissions

2. Homeworking Emissions Whitepaper and understand:

  • Key terminology

  • Methodology and how it is created 

  • How in the future companies could ask similar questions of their employees who are attending events

Homeworking Emissions Whitepaper

3. Fleet Management Toolkit and understand:

  • How to manage and measure your fleet

  • What questions your clients may ask you in the future about how your products travel

Fleet Management Toolkit


1. Measure your carbon footprint.

You have read enough to understand how the methodology works and spent time using measurement tools. You understand your business strategy and you have made a commitment to net zero.

Now is the time to take a basic approach to measure your carbon footprint:

  • Create an excel spreadsheet and list everything which you could measure

  • Choose the 3 things which you think create the most emissions

  • Identify how you can measure them (eg do you have to ask your suppliers for data, can you use any of the methodologies which you have read about)

  • Write down all the assumptions you are making (eg if you are measuring your monthly office emissions using an electricity bill for the total of last year and you are dividing the bill by 12 to get a monthly calculation)

  • Measure

  • Write down 5 things you have learned from this action and the measurements you have gathered.

2. Complete the following 5 minute questionnaire which will be used to support the ongoing development of Race to Zero for the event sector

Listen to our webinar on Reducing Your Own Emissions


Access all the education steps

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

Business strategy


Reducing your value chain emissions