Contribute to climate action in society and reporting

These resources have been curated by Positive Impact to support event sector small to medium enterprises acheive a net zero carbon target. Positive Impact is an Accelerator for Race to Zero.

These resources will be regularly updated. They were inspired by the goal to create a climate action framework for events and include resources from the SME Climate Hub tailored to the event sector.

At each step we will provide you with a checklist of 2 hours worth of action.



1. Engaging with CEOs on the UN SDGs White Paper and understand:

  • How to talk to your CEO or your clients CEO about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Engaging with CEOs on the UN SDGS White Paper

2. Acceleration Action 2023 Report: Engaging the Global Event Sector in the UN SDGS and understand:

  • What a future narrative for events could be

  • How you can be part of shaping a sustainable event sector

Acceleration Action 2023 Report

3. The Carbon Offset Guide and understand:

  • How you can responsibly offset

  • How to talk about offsetting

The Carbon Offset Guide

Optional Reading:

4. The Climate Justice Playbook for Business to understand:

  • Insights, guidance, and case studies of companies that are seeking to advance climate justice in their operations, supply chains, and in the communities they impact

The Climate Justice Playbook for Business


  1. An animation on the future of the event sector and understand:

  • The role events have in acheiving the UN SDGs

  • What a future narrative for events could be

The future of the event sector animation film

2. Interview with The Race to Zero on the role of women in climate change roles

  • The role of The Race to Zero in ending discrimination of women and girls

  • The role of women in climate change and events

The role of The Race to Zero in ending discrimination for women and girls


1. Talk to your clients, colleagues and peers and use the resources below to help you:

2. Encourage your clients, colleagues and peers to set a carbon commitment and use the resources below to help you:

Trello board 

3. Use SME Climate Hub’s reporting tool to report on your emissions, allowing you to:

  • Create a report summarising your annual greenhouse gas emissions, including the actions you are taking and the impact of their emission reduction efforts

  • Integrate the report created and data into annual business reports, company websites or be distributed directly to customers and funders

SME Climate Hub Reporting Tool

4. Complete the questionnaire below

Watch our animation on what the future of events could be and explore the role of events in contributing to climate action in society


Access all the education steps

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

Reducing your value chain emissions


Consider Human and Child Rights