Event Sustainability objectives and how to achieve them
The procedure for establishing objectives and supporting targets is:
1.Through a workshop with the sustainability team an interactive exercise to establish objectives at relevant functions and levels and supporting targets which are:
Consistent with the sustainable development policy
Measurable (if practicable)
Take into account all applicable requirements
Updated as appropriate
Using the governing principles of sustainable development, purpose and values as a framework for a starting point
Able to be reviewed and updated at regular sustainability team meetings as appropriate
2. Through a workshop with the sustainability team an interactive exercise to ensure the objectives are based upon:
The statement of purpose and values
Legal and other requirements
Technological options (what technology could be used/what is accessible to you)
Financial, operational and business requirements (what staff resources, budget and staff expertise do you need and do you have available)
Legacy issues (what are the potential long term impacts of these decisions)
Consideration of alternative options for improved event sustainability (Is there another way which could have better economic, environmental or social impacts?)
What the greatest improvement practicably possible could be (within the timescale and organisation capacity e.g. budget, expertise etc.)
Interested party feedback
Relevant supply chain issues
3. Through a workshop with the sustainability team an interactive exercise to determine when planning objectives:
What will be done
What resources will be required
Who will be responsible
When it will be completed
How the results will be evaluated
4. This procedure will be implemented and reviewed annually during the sustainability team workshop.
Signpost to further information:
Positive Impact Ltd ‘ establishing objectives’ interactive exercise results
Positive Impact Ltd ‘ ensuring the objectives and supporting targets are based on considerations outlined in the management system’ interactive exercise results
Positive Impact Ltd ‘planning objectives’ interactive exercise results