Resources and Competence

The procedure for resources and competence is:

1.Through a workshop with the sustainability team an interactive exercise on determining and providing resources to answer the following questions:

  • What staff resource is allocated to achieving improved sustainability?

  • How is staff competency being determined?

  • What appropriate education, training or experience is required for a level of competence?

  • What actions will you take to acquire necessary competence?

  • How will you evaluate these actions?

  • What documented evidence do you have for staff competency?

  • Do staff have the appropriate training?

  • Do staff have appropriate experience?

  • Does staff competency need to include competency in understanding legal or other requirements?

  • How is staff training requirements being assessed?

  • What staff training is allocated to achieving improved sustainability?

  • How are infrastructure requirements being assessed?

  • What infrastructure resources are allocated to achieving improved sustainability?

  • How are technology requirements being assessed?

  • What technology resources are allocate to achieving improved sustainability?

  • How are finance requirements being assessed?

  • What are finance requirements to achieving improve sustainability?

  • How will you monitor the effectiveness of your training plans?

  • How will you regularly review or update training and development programmes to ensure competencies and associated training needs are identified and provided?

2. Positive Impact training received by relevant persons to acquire competence

3. Review and evaluate effectiveness of education, training and experience at regular sustainability team meetings

4. Liaise with relevant HR contact

5. This procedure will be implemented and reviewed at least annually a sustainability team workshop with the sustainability team to review and update training development programmes to ensure essential competencies and associated training needs are identified and provided.

Signpost to further information:

Positive Impact Ltd group exercise on ‘determining and providing resources’ interactive exercise results

Liaison with the HR department

Positive Impact competency questionnaire (which includes education, training and experience questions)

Positive Impact training plan

Reference to HR department

See evidence:

Workshop 3 documentation


Positive Impact

We exist to create a sustainable event industry.



Event Sustainability objectives and how to achieve them