Control of Documented information

This hubs contains pages which document or signpost to:

  • Documented information required by the management system

  • Documented information determined by the organisation as being necessary for the effectiveness of the management system.

  • Documents determined by the organisation to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes that relate to its significant sustainable development issues.

The links on the Management System page take the reader through the steps of the ISO 20121 management system

Additional information:

  • Access to the hub is for the sustainability team and Positive Impact Ltd only.

Creating and Updating:

The procedure for updating documentation (including identification and description) is shown on the relevant pages of the Hub and included in the Using This Site page.

Documents are created according to a need identified by either the sustainability champion, top management or Positive Impact Ltd. The external consultants will refer to their experience and industry best practice to ensure the format of the document is appropriate. The document format will also be influenced by current business practice.

As the extent of documented information differs from organisation to organisation the size, type, complexity and competence of the documented information will vary. It may be that evidence for a process can be gathered from an interview with a specific contact as writing documentation would not be useful/relevant for the organisation.

New documents will be reviewed and approved within sustainability team workshops and meetings with input from the sustainability champion, top management and external consultants Positive Impact Ltd

The procedure for controling documented information is, where applicable, as follows:

1. Top management and sustainability champion identify the key document controller(s) and their areas of responsibility
2. Top management, sustainability champion and Positive Impact Ltd will identify how the documents will be distributed, accessed, retrieved, used, stored, preserved, controlled, retained and disposed of through a sustainability team workshop
3. Top management, sustainability champion and Positive Impact Ltd will identify how to prevent the unintended use of documents with obsolete information, including how to signpost to existing documentation rather than recreating documentation.
4. Top management, sustainability champion and Positive Impact Ltd will identify which documented information of external origin is necessary for the planning and operation of the management system and identify how to control this documentation including:

  • Signpost to this information on the management system

  • Signpost to this information through the hub

5. Where appropriate, all documents should be saved with version number, author and date.
6. This procedure will be implemented and reviewed annually during sustainability team workshop

Signpost to further information:

The Using This Site section explains the rationale behind using the hub and the security of the information.

See evidence: Workshop 3 documentation


Positive Impact

We exist to create a sustainable event industry.

Operational planning and control

