Issue Identification and Evaluation

The procedure for issue identification and evaluation of their significance associated with event related activities, products and services within the defined scope of the management system is:

1. Through workshop with the sustainability team, complete an interactive exercise to review the list of issues highlighted in BS 8901, ISO 20121, ISO 26000 and GRI EOSS

2. Through workshop with the sustainability team an interactive exercise to consider:

  • Event industry best practice and emerging issues being addressed within this best practice through workshop with the sustainability team

  • Legal and other requirements which the organisation subscribes to and how these could affect the issues identified

  • Brainstorm additional issues (including new emerging issues) related to the scope of the management system

  • Ranking issues in terms of how much influence and control you have over them

  • Ranking issues in terms of how important (with reference to interested party feedback) and the potential size of negative impact the issues could create

3. Communication to and consideration of interested party input on issues through regular sustainability team meetings

4. Communicate issue ranking to stakeholders

5. This procedure will be implemented and reviewed annually during sustainability team workshop.

Signpost to further information:

Positive Impact Ltd ‘review issues’ interactive exercise results

Positive Impact Ltd ‘issue identification and evaluation’ interactive exercise results

See evidence:

Workshop 1 Documentation


Positive Impact

We exist to create a sustainable event industry.

Legal and other requirements


Actions to address risks and opportunities