How to Implement a Circular Economy Approach
What does implementing a circular economy approach mean for the future of how human connection happens?
Education resources on how to implement a circular economy approach
Here are 3 practical tips on how to implement a circular economy approach which you could use as an #EventProf:
You could arrange to speak to your top management about implementing a circular economy approach, including communicating how circular economy can be cost-saving and can raise brand awareness as well as reducing your impact on the environment.
You could provide the proper waste streams for cardboard and paper, glass, plastic, metal and food waste to ensure everything can be recycled and reused.
You could do a materials audit using this toolkit for every event so you know what materials are present and what materials can be substituted for more sustainable alternatives.
Here is your call to action:
Share a picture on social media of how your events have made a difference in the world (and if you can, link it to today's theme).
From donating materials to connecting world leaders #eventprofs know the value of events - let’s make sure everyone else knows this too 😃
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If you need inspiration use our toolkit!