Circular Economy Toolkit
Positive Impact Events, supported by GES have created a circular economy toolkit.
This auditing toolkit will help you discover what materials are present at your event and help you discover which materials can be substituted for more sustainable alternatives that can be reused, recycled or remade.
Watch this video:
How to use the toolkit
Click on the link below for the guidelines on how to use all the materials in this toolkit.
The toolkit
To help audit the materials at your event and implement a circular economy, we have the following materials:
A recording of how to carry out an audit
Spreadsheets to measure and report on the materials
Email templates to help you discover what materials will be supplied, what they are made of and how they will be disposed
Share what you learnt
To create a global, collaborative vision for a more sustainable event industry, sharing what you learnt is key. Use this social media toolkit to share with your community the outcomes of your circular economy audit.
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