About Us

As of February 2024, Positive Impact has a community of almost 2,000 global event professionals, over 40 corporate Head of Events, over 40 Corporate Head of Sustainability, over 160 SMEs with a Race to Zero commitment, over 5 memorandums of understanding with United Nations bodies.

We are the only event sector body to be a Race to Zero Accelerator, UN SDG Action mobiliser and to have education certified by the world’s largest and leading CPD accreditation working across all sectors, so our education is accessed by heads of marketing, HR and sustainability.

For over 15 years not for profit Positive Impact have been providing engagement, collaboration and education to create a sustainable event industry. You could describe Positive Impact as the ‘critical friend’ of the global event sector.

Our funding comes from everywhere and nowhere, and every penny, cent or yen is used to advance the event sector so every time an event happens the UN Sustainable Development Goals are advanced and events are recognised as ensuring 'participation and inclusion in decision making’ (UN SDG16).

This is a timeline of Positive Impact's journey and the creation of a sustainable event industry. It reflects initiatives from:

  • The United Nations

  • Positive Impact

  • CEO Fiona Pelham

  • Key developments in the creation of a sustainable event industry.

Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle

Exploring the role of human and child rights in event planning and strategy

Positive Impact and corporate event planners explored the role of human and child rights in event planning and strategy to advance SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

Positive Impact and corporate event planners explored the role of human and child rights in event planning and strategy to advance SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

Aligned with the 2021 theme of the UN International Day of Peace, a select community of global corporate event planners joined an experiment to explore the role of human interaction in progressing SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

On Tuesday 21st September (International Day of Peace), over 24 hours, they took part in facilitated networking, experiments, roundtables with UN bodies and engaged with over 20 hours of content. This included reports on previous human interaction experiments.

There was a £150 (approx $210 or €170) overhead per person that we could not avoid. Therefore in addition to the requirement to be a corporate event planner to attend this event there was a minimal administration fee.

What was included?

A roundtable with a Unicef UK to explore the role of human and child rights in event planning and strategy, and three experiments to explore how events can enable inclusion and participation through consideration of human and child rights.

These experiments were:

  • An experiment into the accessibility challenges and how event planners might address them.

  • An Academic experiment into inclusion and participation using the hat theory.

  • An experiment exploring stakeholder engagement for planning an event with the consideration of human and child rights.

Explore was an impactful event series. Don’t take our word for it, hear from previous attendees:

“At Explore, I learnt new and innovative ways of transforming myself and my organisation to connect, alongside providing input into these explorations too. I think being innovative and explorative is important to keep up with the digital pace of the event industry that is highly affected by the Covid 19 situation”

— Elena Staszak, Partner Communication & Event Lead, Microsoft


The following FAQ was included on the event registration page:

What is the agenda? 

The agenda will continue to be updated until the day before the event and will be found in the LinkedIn private group that will be launched before 21st September. You can understand more about the content of the day above. To understand what the Explore #5 agenda will be like, view the Explore #2 agenda. The Explore #5 agenda structure will be similar to this.

Why am I paying £150? 

Positive Impact is a not for profit, this means every penny spent with us is used to make a difference. Following each Explore, a report is created and shared with the wider industry. To understand the exact breakdown of how your registration fee will be spent, watch Bec’s experiment in transparency from Explore #1

Will this help me progress my career? 

Yes. Both the content created and how this content is delivered is done with the intention of empowering and enabling you to have a strategic conversation with your CEO so you can demonstrate the value of your role in terms they will understand.

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Positive Impact Events Positive Impact Positive Impact Events Positive Impact

Reaching over 500,000 for World Peace Day 2018

Positive Impact celebrated World Peace Day by creating a campaign to share knowledge and wisdom on creating safe, peaceful event spaces. This included a series of 6 webinars. Speakers included UNFCCC and the Institute for Human Rights and Business. Our 2018 World Peace Day campaign reached over 500,000.

Positive Impact celebrated World Peace Day by creating a campaign to share knowledge and wisdom on creating safe, peaceful event spaces. This included a series of 6 webinars. Speakers included UNFCCC and the Institute for Human Rights and Business. Our 2018 World Peace Day campaign reached over 500,000.

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Who we have experience collaborating with

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