About Us

As of February 2024, Positive Impact has a community of almost 2,000 global event professionals, over 40 corporate Head of Events, over 40 Corporate Head of Sustainability, over 160 SMEs with a Race to Zero commitment, over 5 memorandums of understanding with United Nations bodies.

We are the only event sector body to be a Race to Zero Accelerator, UN SDG Action mobiliser and to have education certified by the world’s largest and leading CPD accreditation working across all sectors, so our education is accessed by heads of marketing, HR and sustainability.

For over 15 years not for profit Positive Impact have been providing engagement, collaboration and education to create a sustainable event industry. You could describe Positive Impact as the ‘critical friend’ of the global event sector.

Our funding comes from everywhere and nowhere, and every penny, cent or yen is used to advance the event sector so every time an event happens the UN Sustainable Development Goals are advanced and events are recognised as ensuring 'participation and inclusion in decision making’ (UN SDG16).

This is a timeline of Positive Impact's journey and the creation of a sustainable event industry. It reflects initiatives from:

  • The United Nations

  • Positive Impact

  • CEO Fiona Pelham

  • Key developments in the creation of a sustainable event industry.

Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle

Launching The Pavilion for People alongside COP29

On 11th November 2024 we opened the doors to The Pavilion for People alongside COP29. Former BBC News Science Editor David Shukman posted on LinkedIn about his decision to not attend COP29 in person, and his positive experience with attending The Pavilion for People virtually.

Within 24 hours, the BBC published an article about how the UN climate talks were “no longer fit for purpose”.

On 11th November 2024 we opened the doors to The Pavilion for People alongside COP29.

Former BBC News Science Editor David Shukman posted on LinkedIn about his decision to not attend COP29 in person, and his positive experience with attending The Pavilion for People virtually.

Within 24 hours, the BBC published an article about how the UN climate talks were “no longer fit for purpose”.

At the conference in Baku, negotiators from small island states were particularly concerned about any attempt to change the nature of the COP, where all countries are equal.

They worry that if decisions are made among the big emitters at forums such as the G20 group of richer nations, their small island voice will be excluded.

“We’re not a part of those discussions,” said Micahi Robertson who’s an adviser to the Alliance of Small Island States at these talks.
— Quote from the BBC article about COP29

The need for change

The Pavilion for People also supported the Open Letter on COP reform which suggested that “COP meetings must be transformed into smaller, more frequent, solution-driven meetings” and included a specific call to action to enhance equitable representation.

The Pavilion for People opens the experience of attending a COP to everybody. It is a place where you can speak directly to a refugee in Kenya about the challenges the climate is creating for them; or from the CEO of an organization creating a solar alternative to firewood for cooking across much of Africa. A CEO who sees the Pavilion as a more effective, inclusive – and cheaper – way of getting out a message than attending a COP.
— Fiona Pelham, CEO of Positive Impact

Our partners for the Pavilion alongside COP29 included:


  • Race to Zero

  • BSI

  • We Don’t Have Time

  • Virtual Ocean Pavilion

  • Global Peatlands Initiative

  • Faith Pavilion

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Asking what the UN Summit means for the future of human engagement

During UN Summit for the Future and New York Climate Week (September 20th - 29th 2024) The Pavilion for People was open to explore how we can include everyone’s voices in the key conversations of our time.

During UN Summit for the Future and New York Climate Week (September 20th - 29th 2024) The Pavilion for People was open to explore and:

  1. Increase your knowledge on how events can be used to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

  2. Use your storytelling skills to take action against climate change

  3. Explore how The Pavilion for People is enabling all voices to be heard

The Pavilion for People is an experiment in human engagement.

How can we include everyone’s voices in the key conversations of our time? 

When you visit The Pavilion for People you will be part of creating a future where events are delivered within planetary boundaries and in a way that advances the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Demonstrating how to advance 5th P (Persuade) Race to Zero commitments by delivering a sustainable engagement strategy

On 5th June Positive Impact celebrated World Environment Day. The Pavilion for People was open for 24 hours, and a free webinar was available for the Race to Zero community.


On World Environment Day (5th June 2024) The Pavilion for People opened for 24 hours. Attendees could join the Race to Zero community and:

  1. Build your capacity in event sustainability

  2. Find out how to join The Race to Zero and access the resources you need to make a credible commitment to net zero (there will be a webinar for The Race to Zero community)

  3. Explore how The Pavilion for People is enabling all voices to be heard

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Enabling a sustainable event industry with ISO 20121:2024

On 22nd April, Positive Impact celebrated Earth Day with the launch webinar for the revised ISO 20121:2024. This was accompanied by a virtual engagement and exhibition area which was available for a month.

To celebrate Earth Day 2024 over 300 people gathered online for the launch webinar for the revised ISO 20121:2024.

Contributions were made to the webinar from: ISO Secretary General, International Olympic Committee Head of Legacy, UNFCCC Senior Director, Operations Coordination, Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, UNICEF UK, The Centre of Sport and Human Rights, The Race to Zero, Positive Impact Events and Our 2050 World.

Following the webinar a virtual engagement and exhibition area launched and was available until May 22nd. This area:

  • Supported visitors to understand the ISO 20121:2024 revision process and outcomes

  • Enabled them to relisten to the launch webinar

  • Empowered them to take their first steps with ISO 20121 by providing resources, case studies and more

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Launching an ISO 20121:2024 education course with BSI

Positive Impact and BSI have come together to produce this two-part education course. This starts with BSI’s education course on the learning requirements of ISO 20121:2024, which provides the user with an understanding of the standard. It is then followed by an implementation course for ISO 20121:2024 provided by Positive Impact.

ISO 20121:2024 was released in April 2024 following a revision. Positive Impact and BSI have come together to produce this two-part education course. This starts with BSI’s education course on the learning requirements of ISO 20121:2024, which provides the user with an understanding of the standard. It is then followed by an implementation course for ISO 20121:2024 provided by Positive Impact.

ISO 20121:2024 Event Sustainability from Understanding to Implementation: a training product from BSI and Positive Impact Events will provide you with all the understanding and practical support you need to be able to demonstrate evidence of implementation of ISO 20121:2024

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Exploring the role of the event sector in SDG 5, target 1: Ending all forms of discrimination agains women and girls everywhere

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Positive Impact hosted a free webinar on 8th March 2024 to explore the role of the event sector in SDG 5.

To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March 2024, Positive Impact hosted a webinar to explore the role of the event sector in SDG 5.

The webinar explored the role of standards in advancing gender equality, including:

  • The role of events in advancing SDG5

  • How best practice could impact the advancement of events and gender equality

Attendees could also:

  • Learn from international standard experts, including Anne Hayes from British Standards Institute, about how event professionals can use standards to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.

  • Be inspired by international sustainability experts, including Jane Eisenhart from Race to Zero

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Setting out our vision and manifesto for 2024

Are you ready to plan and deliver events with a positive impact in mind? Right now, there’s an opportunity for you to lead and take strategic action around sustainability. And we’re here to help.

Are you ready to plan and deliver events with a positive impact in mind?

Right now, there’s an opportunity for you to lead and take strategic action around sustainability. And we’re here to help.

We’re a credible and purpose-led organisation.

Positive Impact has been advocating for a more sustainable event sector through education, collaboration and engagement for almost 20 years. As a not-for-profit, any money that you spend with us gets reinvested into making a difference.

Our CEO chaired ISO 20121, the international standard for sustainability in the event sector. We are also a Race to Zero Accelerator for events and a UN SDG Action mobiliser.

We believe that engagement and connection is vital for humankind.

We meet, listen to each other, collaborate, inspire, compete, innovate, experience and celebrate. Through events, we have the opportunity to share inspiration and create change, listen with understanding and bring peace, explore what we have in common, and celebrate being human.

This should create a world that thrives, for us and our environment.

‌But the reality isn’t matching the need. It’s fair to say that the current approach doesn’t reflect the vision of a world thriving.

Meetings about global issues taking place in one meeting room, so the voices of those prevented from traveling there are not heard. Festivals of celebration leaving mountains of waste. Events that gather the world’s champions that use the world’s resources, even though we have the scientific data to know we don’t have enough.

So how do we create a better world?

To start with, we give people the knowledge and the tools to make a difference.

We currently have over 1,800 event professionals from over 60 different countries who volunteer to use their voices to champion sustainability as Positive Impact Ambassadors.

This community is taking action. They are using free toolkits on ISO 20121, human rights, circular economy, gender equality. They are sharing best practice through global UN-aligned campaigns. And they are championing positive change at company, industry and government levels.

But even 20 years of work hasn’t been enough to create the transformation needed for a sustainable global event sector.

Despite a rise in the number of initiatives, events and articles on the subject of sustainability, and an increased awareness of greenwashing, there’s a resistance to change. Conversations end with “we like the idea, but now isn’t the right time”.

But if not now, then when?

We are living at a time when we have the data, and we know that we need to be acting on issues like carbon and waste.

There’s no one-size-fits all approach for how to get to where we need to be, but if you are a company on this journey, Positive Impact is the partner with the most credible experience that you could ask for.

How we can support you.

We have the knowledge, expertise and parterships to help you to:

  • Educate yourself on sustainable event management with Certified Professional Development accredited materials

  • Future proof your business with credible action on carbon, materiality, stakeholder engagement and more

  • Demonstrate your sustainability credentials through implementation of ISO 20121

  • Show innovation which will open up new strategic opportunities now is the time to take action 

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Supporting the global event sector to participate in the revision of ISO 20121

During 2023, ISO 20121 was revised and Positive Impact provided toolkits so event professionals, national standard bodies, industry associations and other liaison bodies could give their input to the revision. This innovative approach delivered successful results and ISO 20121: 2024 revision was completed to be used at Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

During 2023 ISO 20121 was revised and Positive Impact provided toolkits so event professionals, national standard bodies, industry associations and other liaison bodies could give their input to the revision. This innovative approach delivered successful results and ISO 20121: 2024 revision was completed to be used at Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

An event sustainability management system suitable for ensuring events leave a positive legacy.

Originally inspired by The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with a revision due to be launched for Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games ISO 20121 is a standard to enable sustainability to be considered at every decision point in the planning of an event.

The ISO/TC 250 web page provides an overview of standard development activity.

Are you interested in understanding more about what ISO 20121 means for the future of events and how human engagement happens?

This 90 minute webinar is a must-watch for:

  • Anyone responsible for delivering events (sport, business or cultural)

  • Part of the supply chain who make events happen

  • Associations whose members represent the event sector

  • National standards bodies ready to contribute to a global sustainability standard

Learn about the opportunity for the global event sector if ISO 20121 launches before the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Learn about how human rights considerations can be advanced with ISO 20121

This 90 minute webinar is a must-watch for:

  • Anyone responsible for delivering events (sport, business or cultural)

  • Anyone part of the supply chain who make events happen

  • Associations whose members represent the event sector

  • National standards bodies ready to contribute to a global sustainability standard

The Chair of the ISO 20121 working group provided an update on the progress of revision in June 2023.

Learn about how SMEs are implementing ISO 20121

How can I contribute to ISO 20121 and advance a sustainable event sector?

Are you interested in trialing ISO 20121 and providing comments during the revision stage?


Who are ISO? 

How are standards developed?

How could I contribute to a revision of a standard?

Review Positive Impact’s resources above which will support you if you are working in a job role which is part of the event sector; if you are an event sector association; if you are in a position of influence in the event sector; and if you are national standards body.

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Offering soundscapes walks in Copenhagen

In 2022 and 2023, Positive Impact CEO Fiona Pelham and Service Designer Federico Di Fresco hosted regular events for people to experience a 90 minute walk around central Copenhagen and explore the role of the sound environment in how we engage with our cities, communities, and people.


Discovering the role of the sound environment in how you experience different places

In 2022 and 2023, Positive Impact CEO Fiona Pelham and Service Designer Federico Di Fresco hosted regular Soundscape walks.

During this initiative, participants joined 90 minute walks, around central Copenhagen – UNESCO-UIA 2023 World Capital of Architecture – and explored the role of the sound environment in how we engage with our cities, communities, and people.

Attendees were guided and introduced to vocabulary, methods and learnings based on Federico Di Fresco and Luca Simeone’s peer reviewed paper: Potential and pitfalls of using service design to facilitate soundscape thinking in city making 

Copenhagen-based architectural firm Cobe’s team participating in a private Soundscape Walk

During this soundscape walk, participants took part in 3 soundscape mapping activities that helped them to:

  • understand the sound environment of places

  • learn new soundscape vocabulary to explain how you experience the sound environment of a place

  • gain a new understanding of sound in our cities and communities

Interested in providing your team with an exploration and learning experience about the role of the sound environment in how we engage with our cities, communities, and people?

Send a message to Federico Di Fresco on LinkedIn and he would be happy to get in contact regarding your request.

Copenhagen-based architectural firm Cobe’s team participating in a private Soundscape Walk

2023 Soundscapes walks series was part of UNESCO-UIA 2023 World Capital of Architecture events program.

The walks were designed to inspire participants and offer them a different way to experience Copenhagen while participating in an exploration to better understand the nuances of the role of the sound environment in how people engage.

Sustainable Development Goal 11, indicator 3.2 is:

Enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries.

Participants of soundscape walks learned methodology and vocabulary to advance this goal and indicator.

The 2023 Soundscapes Walks series was inspired by the interest and learnings from participants of the 2022 Soundscapes Walks series as a way to further explore the topic and keep sharing our learnings.

Groups who would benefit from a soundscape walk on a different day and time were also offered the opportunity to sign up to request a private walk.

Anybody interested in becoming an Innovation Partner to partner and provide resources to expand the impact of the Soundscapes Walk series, was able to download the Innovation Partner PDF for more information.

Positive Impact is a non for profit which for over 15 years has led the development of a sustainable event industry.

Following this mission Positive Impact became an Accelerator for the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign. In June 2022 The Race to Zero criteria was updated to require those within it to align their external engagement with the goal of halving emissions by 2030.

Positive Impact’s focus is on helping organizations develop low carbon engagement strategies in line with UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign. The soundscapes walks are an initiative to explore the role of the sound environment on how we engage with our cities, communities, and people in order to achieve the Race to Zero commitments.

100% of income generated from the soundscape walks will be used for research and creation of materials to share the learnings.

The Soundscapes walks were facilitated by:

Fiona Pelham

Fiona has over 15 years experience in the role of global events being used to enable engagement between communities and cultures.


Federico Di Fresco

Federico is a service systems designer with 15+ years of experience as a design strategist consultant, user researcher, and user experience designer. As part of his MSc in Service Systems Design thesis from Aalborg University and in collaboration with Gehl Architects’ R&D team he explored and adapted service design tools and methods to facilitate soundscape thinking for city makers in order to build healthier sound environments for people in cities. Part of his research work has been published on the peer reviewed paper co-author with Luca Simeone: Potential and pitfalls of using service design to facilitate soundscape thinking in city making. Currently, he works as Lead Service Systems Designer for the WS Audiology R&D department.

He also designed a toolkit that facilitates a shared vocabulary to research, map and sketch the experiential opportunities of the sound environment of a place from a people-first perspective. Federico has designed, recorded, and edited sound in more than 10 documentaries, feature, and short films that have been awarded or participated at international film festivals such as Berlinale, Cannes, Venice, Mar del Plata, San Sebastian, La Habana and BAFICI amongst others.

Federico is open to be contacted about Talks, Keynotes, Workshops and Consulting opportunities via LinkedIn.


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Launching The Pavilion for People

At COP28, Pavilions are places for a small percentage of the world’s population to gather and share ideas, solutions and commitments. Positive Impact created this initiative which exists so that everyone’s voices and actions are recognised in the progress towards reaching the Paris Agreement.

At COP28, Pavilions are places for a small percentage of the world’s population to gather and share ideas, solutions and commitments. Positive Impact created this initiative which exists so that everyone’s voices and actions are recognised in the progress towards reaching the Paris Agreement.

In 2023 we created a proposal to invite organisations to be one of our innovation partners. We spoke to many of the people responsible for Pavilions at COP this year and they loved the idea. They also just wanted to keep doing what they have always done.

Undeterred by a lack of funding and limited buy-in, Positive Impact created The Pavilion for People to show new possibilities for what it looks like to have real engagement from people all around the world, for events like COP and beyond.

This first year is an experiment, so we are focusing on The Pavilion for People being useful for anyone who uses events to communicate their message or engage with their communities. But then again, that is probably most of us. And definitely everyone participating with COP28!

If you would like to be kept up to date when the Pavilion re-opens and learn how to take part, you can register for updates.

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Sharing progress towards our sustainability goals

In 2019, the United Nations asked for commitments to action to accelerate progress towards the sustainable development goals. This was an opportunity to demonstrate the role of events in accelerating action to achieving the SDGs and not for profit Positive Impact continues to take action on this, sharing our progress through our 2023 Acceleration Action report.

In 2019, the United Nations asked for commitments to action to accelerate progress towards the sustainable development goals. This was an opportunity to demonstrate the role of events in accelerating action to achieving the SDGs and not for profit Positive Impact continues to take action on this.

Readers of this sustainability report will gain insight into how engagement* strategies can be used to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and understand how not for profit Positive Impact, an example of a purpose led business, is leading in the transformation of the global event sector and the development of a new narrative which will shape the future of human engagement.

*The term engagement is used to describe meetings, events, exhibitions, festivals, sporting activities. The term engagement is used in the updated 2022 Race to Zero Criteria.

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Creating opportunities to Unite to Act for the Global week to #ACT4SDGs

As a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign, Positive Impact invited the global event sector to unite and #ACT4SDGs with opportunities for engagement between 18th - 24th September 2023.

As a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign, Positive Impact invited the global event sector to unite and #ACT4SDGs with the following opportunities for engagement:

We also provided 9 Opportunities to Unite for Action.

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Providing free sustainable event management education for the UN Global Week Unite to #ACT4SDGS

A free 48 hour online event during the week of 18th - 24th September to access aspects of our education, which is accredited by CPD (the world's leading and largest independent Continuing Professional Development accreditation body).

Positive Impact is a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign and was happy to provide this free event as an opportunity for engagement in sustainable event management education.

This was a 48 hour online event between 18th and 20th September 2023, where attendees were able to access aspects of our education, which is accredited by CPD (the world's leading and largest independent Continuing Professional Development accreditation body).

The event provided an insight into the CPD courses that Positive Impact provides, which will help organisations to explore sustainable event strategies and education and further the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Content included speakers from UNICEF UK, The Race to Zero, ISO, Paris24 and the International Olympic Committee

This event was available to anyone responsible for:

  • Implementation of sustainable event strategy in their organisation

  • Fulfilling CPD training courses to further their organisation’s event sustainability education

Unite to Act ISO 20121 Liaison and National Standard Bodies Sessions

As part of Positive Impact’s wider campaign to help the event industry to advance the SDGs, we created an opportunity for liaisons to ISO 20121 and National Standard Bodies to present their own sessions during the event.

Input from the liaisons to ISO 20121 and National Standard Bodies shaped this part of the event, and speakers were invited to add their own sessions to the Positive Impact website.

Positive Impact facilitated the opportunity by:

  • Providing technology for the delivery of a session

  • Providing materials to support the promotion of the event

The sessions included:

  • How to design events that inspire climate action
    Francesca Harris, CEO/Founder, 4GOOD

  • Small Company, Mighty Impact: Delivering Sustainability, One Drop at a Time
    Laura Notarbartolo, CEO, Italian Special Occasions

  • Zero waste events - Why and how
    Rishita Sharma, Founder, Green Utsav

  • Storytelling your sustainability success
    Ulrika Mårtensson, Owner, IMPROVEMENT

  • Sustainability measures taken in our convention centre
    Paula Blomster, Congress Manager, Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre

  • Eco-production: Exploring the Environmental Impact of events + An Assessment of Sustainable Event Practices
    Hatem Ben Haj Hassine, Eco-Producer Event Sustainability Manager, suun sustainability

  • Sustain Your Sustainability Momentum - Small Steps, Keep Learning
    Jacqueline Beaulieu, Director, Strategic Marketing & Client Engagement, Poretta & Orr | Exhibits & Events

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Contributing to Race to Zero’s “The 5th P” Handbook

Race to Zero’s handbook, “The 5th P” highlights the importance of persuasion, including the role of events. The Positive Impact team contributed to the handbook along with Dr James Musgrave from U.K. Centre Events Management Leeds Beckett.

Race to Zero sets out criteria that members should work towards in order to deliver the collective goal of halving global emissions by 2030, and reaching net zero by 2050 at the latest. In June 2022, the 5th criterion - ‘Persuade’ - was added, following an extensive and wide ranging consultation with experts and Race to Zero Partners.

The 5th P was added in recognition of the fact that voluntary action alone is not sufficient to keep global warming to less than 1.5C. The creation of a supportive and climate aligned regulatory and policy environment is critical to enable all actors to achieve net zero, in the context of just transition and in the light of different national circumstances.

One year after the 5th P was introduced, the Handbook provides a resource to support Partners, and members, to integrate the 5th P into their plans, frameworks, and activities. The purpose of the Handbook is to consolidate existing critical resources on net zero advocacy, policy, and engagement and to summarise best practice. The Handbook also aims to recognise leadership and ‘pockets of the future in the present’, by showcasing case studies from Race to Zero members on the action they are taking to align with the 5th P.

A section of this Handbook was authored by the Positive Impact team and Dr James Musgrave from U.K. Centre Events Management Leeds Beckett. Event-specific content can be found on page 77 of the handbook.

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Learning how to contribute to ISO 20121 and advance human rights considerations in events

On 17th May 2023 at 1pm CET, Positive Impact hosted a 90 minute webinar about how to get involved with the ISO 20121 revision and learn about advancing human rights considerations in events.

On 17th May 2023 at 1pm CET, Positive Impact hosted a 90 minute webinar for:

  • Anyone responsible for delivering events (sport, business or cultural)

  • Anyone part of the supply chain who make events happen

  • Associations whose members represent the event sector

  • National standards bodies ready to contribute to a global sustainability standard

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Discussing how sustainability is shaping the future of events

Fiona Pelham, Chair of ISO 20121 and CEO of Positive Impact, led this 1 hour event in Copenhagen on 16th May to learn how climate change, EU sustainability reporting regulations and international standards including ISO 20121 are shaping how events are delivered.

Fiona Pelham, Chair of ISO 20121 and CEO of Positive Impact, led this 1 hour event in Copenhagen to learn how climate change, EU sustainability reporting regulations and international standards including ISO 20121 are shaping how events are delivered.

Date: Tuesday May 16th 2023

Time: 8:30 - 9:30am CET

Location: BLOX, Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. DK-1473 Copenhagen

This was an in-person event and attendance was limited to 45 people.

This event included:

  • Insight into what is shaping the future of events from ISO 20121 to the Race to Zero

  • Inspiration in the form of an example of a side event to The World Congress of Architects being held in Copenhagen in 2023

  • Participation in a facilitated discussion exploring how sustainability will shape the future of events and Denmark's opportunity for strategic leadership

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Celebrating Earth Day 2023 by sharing best practice

On 22nd April, the Positive Impact community was invited to celebrate Earth Day and share best practice by accessing our Share a Positive Impact toolkit.

On 22nd April, the Positive Impact community was invited to celebrate Earth Day and share best practice by:

  • Accessing our Share a Positive Impact toolkit and support the advancement of a sustainable event sector

  • Learning how to demonstrate self assessment to ISO 20121

Also taking place in celebration of Earth Day was our 48 hour educational online event Sustainability Strategy Setting for Events which is accredited for CPD education. This course provides 13 CPD hours.

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Exploring the event sustainability standard ISO 20121 on the future of events and gender equality

On 8th March 2023, to celebrate International Women’s Day, Positive Impact hosted a webinar with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the UN Global Compact Network UK.

On 8th March 2023, to celebrate International Women’s Day, Positive Impact hosted a webinar with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the UN Global Compact Network UK.

The webinar explored:

  • The role of standards in advancing gender equality

  • How ISO 20121 could impact the future of events and gender equality

Why is gender equality important?

Watch this animated video to understand the importance of UN SDG 5 for sustainable event strategy:

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Creating a Global Ambassador Leaders Initiative

In 2022 to 2023, Positive Impact ran monthly online meetings with global event industry professionals around the world including Spain, USA, UK and Oman.

In 2022 to 2023, Positive Impact ran monthly online meetings with global event industry professionals around the world including Spain, USA, UK and Oman.

We did this to:

  • Explore ways of how to reach more event industry professionals globally, to encourange more sustainable practices

  • Understand the current global situation sustainability commitments through industry representatives in different countries

  • Demonstrate leadership by encouraging change through education and free resources

We trialled this iniative for one year which helped us to explore and understand the challenges and requirement for more resources and education needed in this sector on a global scale.

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Discussing how corporate event strategies can advance sustainability commitments and the UN SDGs

In 2022, Positive Impact ran monthly open and confidential conversations to explore different areas of sustainability for corporate event strategies, each aligned with UN approaches.

In 2022, Positive Impact ran monthly open and confidential conversations to:

  • Explore different areas of sustainability for your corporate event strategy, each aligned with UN approaches.

  • Understand the current gaps for events to advance corporate sustainability commitments.

  • Demonstrate leadership by collaborating with Positive Impact to take action on your corporate event strategy.

We were transparent about challenging corporates in the sessions to take action and asked corporates to join with the intention of wanting to close the gaps in their event strategy.

All conversation fell under Chatham House Rule. See here to understand more.

Topics covered included:

  • How understanding the circular economy can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with UN Environment Programme

  • How outcomes of COP27 can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with United Nations Climate Change

  • How innovation can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with United Nations Environment Programme

  • How considering human and child rights can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with Unicef UK

  • How reporting can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with UN SDGs

  • How considering human and child rights and safeguarding when planning your event can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with Unicef UK

  • How a communication of progress can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with UN Global Compact Network UK

  • How can you use your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Delivered on Earth day with UN Global Compact Network UK

  • How implementing gender equality can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with United Nations Women

  • How reporting on your impact can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    Aligned with United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Climate Change

  • How supporting your supply chain can support your corporate event strategy to advance sustainability commitments and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
    Aligned with the UN Race to Zero.

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Who we have experience collaborating with

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