Event Management Graduate Sustainability Commitment

In response to growing awareness for credible sustainable action the Event Grads community and Positive Impact have launched an event commitment which will support 100% of event management graduates around the world to advance the creation of a sustainable event sector.

In August 2022, this letter was sent to 20 leading Universities, asking them to share the event grad campaign with their students.

As a global graduate of the field of event management I commit to using my voice to champion the creation of a sustainable event sector in, at least, the following ways:

  • Commitment 1
    Becoming a Positive Impact Ambassador
    I will deliver at least one presentation a year to my community to champion sustainability, and share a social media post about being an Ambassador using the hashtag #shareapositiveimpact.

  • Commitment 2
    Champion the implementation of ISO 20121

    I will educate myself on ISO 20121 (using
    free resources on the Positive Impact website) and share a social media post about my learnings using the hashtag #shareapositiveimpact.

  • Commitment 3
    Support my event supply chain to make a net zero carbon commitment as part of The Race to Zero

    I will share
    The Race to Zero Accelerator initiative for the event sector which provides event SMEs with 12 hours worth of resources, including a post on social media using the hashtag #shareapositiveimpact. If the supplier is not an SME, I will share The UNFCCC Net Zero Events Pledge information.

  • Commitment 4
    Support my event chain to consider human and child rights when planning an event
    I will share Unicef UK resources on how to consider human and child rights when planning an event, including a post on social media using the hashtag #shareapositiveimpact.

  • Commitment 5
    Ask for measurement data and question the credibility of sustainability claims with the aim of encouraging action that makes a difference
    I will also share a post on social media using the hashtag #shareapositiveimpact.

You’'ll be asked to create an account, this will allow you to manage your profile in our Ambassador directory. After completing your profile you'll return to this page, look out for an email with the next steps!

Event Grads who have already made the commitment