Exploring how visit Britain could make a net zero commitment and join the UNFCCC Race to Zero

On 9th November 2021, Positive Impact and VisitBritain held a webinar to explore the strategic importance of events, what the UN Race to Zero is and practical steps on how to make a net zero commitment via Positive Impact’s UN campaign ‘Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation’.

If you are an event sector SME and would like to make a net zero commitment, you can sign up to the Race to Zero below:

You can watch the webinar here:

Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation toolkit

Positive Impact also encouraged SMEs who made a net zero commitment via Positive Impact’s campaign to use a toolkit to communicate their commitment on social media.

Anyone who was not an SME was asked to use the toolkit to encourage their supply chain to make a net zero commitment via Positive Impact’s campaign.

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.


Supporting the event sector to join the UNFCCC Race to Zero at COP26


Engaging with UN Global Compact on the role of events in achieving net zero commitments