The Persuaders Podcast

What does persuade mean? Is everyone’s voice being heard as we take the action the world needs?

The Persuaders Podcast, delivered by David Eades and Fiona Pelham, exists to explore these questions through interviews with sustainability experts, innovators and those whose job responsibilities include persuasion.

The inspiration for the podcast comes from The UN Race to Zero Campaign’s addition of ‘persuade’ to its criteria. The pilot podcast focuses on a BBC reporter’s lifetime experience with COP (“Is this a space for serendipity or an echo chamber?”) and what persuasion looks like in practical terms for organisations feeling the pressure of decarbonisation in the supply chain (“we have the logic but need the magic”).

This pilot podcast has been created to demonstrate the conversations, insight and inspiration which could be delivered by a podcast series which explores persuasion and questions if everyone’s voice is being heard. Potential future podcast themes include human rights, gender equality and advocacy.

The intended listener to this podcast is someone passionate about taking action which could change business practice or influence policy. But it also aims to appeal to the interested and curious within and beyond business and to help them understand how they might raise their own efforts to tackle challenges the world is facing such as climate change.

The long term goal is to empower the community of listeners to understand the agency they have in their voice, actions and choices.

This content could support the work being done by UN campaigns such as The Race to Zero which is a focus of the pilot episode.

For the podcast’s potential to be realised funding is required. When you listen to the pilot you may notice this is being delivered without professional editing, production, jingles and more!

If the intention and potential impact of this podcast inspires you please get in contact with Fiona and David by emailing