Addressing the role of plastic in the event industry

Watch our webinar

Listen to this webinar on addressing the role of plastic in the event industry


Lead a Design Thinking workshop

To help spread knowledge regarding how to address the role of plastics in the event industry and allow you to lead a design thinking workshop of your own, we have the following materials:

  1. A PowerPoint guiding you through the design-thinking process, with notes describing what to say at what point.

  2. A basic agenda denoting the sections of the PowerPoint and the recommended amount of time to spend on each part.


Other ways to get involved to deliver a sustainable event

If you're not already, please consider becoming a Positive Impact Ambassador and be part of our global community, receive updates, tools and resources and help us spread key messages and conversations to inspire the creation of sustainable event sector.

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

#BreaktheBias toolkit


Human and Child Rights and Safeguarding Toolkit