Business strategy
These resources have been curated by Positive Impact to support event sector small to medium enterprises acheive a net zero carbon target. Positive Impact is an Accelerator for UNFCCC Race to Zero.
These resources will be regularly updated. They were inspired by the goal to create a climate action framework for events and include resources from the SME Climate Hub tailored to the event sector and the Road to COP27.
At each step we will provide you with a checklist of 2 hours worth of action.
Here is your checklist for BUSINESS STRATEGY.
This step is about creating your business strategy and it is not realistic that within 2 hours this will be achieved! However spending 2 hours on the items below will provide you with the support you need to start taking action:
1. Examples of how event sector companies are taking action on sustainability and understand:
There is not just one way to act on addressing carbon emissions
There is an opportunity to be creative
There is an opportunity to tell the story of the actions you are taking
Examples of how event sector companies are taking action on sustainability
2. A Climate Action Framework for the Event Sector and understand:
The context for the event sector having a strategy to set a carbon target and take action to reduce it
The business case for the event sector to set a carbon target and take action to reduce it
The history of the launch of an event sector framework at COP26
A Climate Action Framework for the Event Sector
3. Optional extra reading:
If your role is a non-executive director (or a board member) Chapter Zero have created a valuable toolkit that will help you understand:
How Climate Change could impact your business
Steps you can take with your board so emissions are on the agenda and acted on
1. Sir David King UK Government permanent Special Representative for Climate Change from September 2013 until March 2017 and UK Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor from 2000 to 2007 and understand:
What climate change is doing to our planet
How these changes could impact events and when
Watch Sir David King
2. UNFCCC Programme Officer and understand:
What a Climate Action Framework for the Event Sector could look like
How a Climate Action Framework could be created
Watch UNFCCC Programme Officer
3. A Roundtable with the UK Government and key members of the event sector and understand:
The support for a carbon target for the event sector
The need for a carbon target for the event sector
Watch a roundtable with the UK Government
1. A good place to start with creating a business strategy is with a roadmap
A roadmap is the step before implementing standards like ISO 20121 and it will help you create a sustainability policy.
This toolkit will support you to create a roadmap
2. Implementation of ISO 20121 will support you with business processes
ISO 20121 is the International standard for event sustainability and will ensure every decision taken in your business is made with considerations for sustainability.
This toolkit will support you to implement ISO 20121