In the lead up to COP27: How could the UK government show leadership  and show an example of a SME sector transformed to a low carbon sector.

Date: Tuesday September 6th Time: 9.30am-11:00am (BST)

Invited: SME Climate Hub, BEIS, BVEP, Visit England, UK Gov small business panel, Race to Zero, Cabinet Office, DCMS

Due to the unclear nature of UK government leadership we received replies from a number of those invited saying they would prefer to discuss this at a later date so an additional event is planned at:

Date: Monday October 10th Time: 9:30am-11.00am (BST)

To confirm your attendance and receive a zoom meeting invitation please email

Agenda for September 6th 9.30-11am (BST)

9.30-9.45am- Welcome and introductions

9.45-10am- Setting the scene on 3 initiatives which exists to create a sustainable event sector:

  • ISO 20121

  • Unicef UK guidelines on consideration of human and child rights when planning an event

  • The Race to Zero Accelerator Programme for event sector supply chain SMEs

10-10.45am Questions on how these initiatives could be used to support the UK government to show leadership and show an example of an SME sector transformed to a low carbon sector

10.45-11am Next steps


On June 15th 2022 The UNFCCC Race to Zero (the UN-backed global campaign  representing 1,049 cities, 67 regions, 5,235 businesses, 441 of the biggest investors,  and more) changed its criteria to include:  

‘Align ..engagement…to the goal of halving emissions by 2030 and reaching global  (net) zero by 2050.  

‘Align ' means ensuring that all external engagement activities (e.g. … public  relations campaigns … that engage in public policy advocacy, etc.) are consistent  with the objectives outlined in Pledge for halving emissions by 2030 and reaching  global net zero by 2050.’  

In addition to this focus there are other parts of the updated criteria which will impact the event sector.

Since 2005 not for profit Positive Impact has existed to create a sustainable event  sector and in 2021 became a UNFCCC Race to Zero Accelerator for event sector  SMEs. Throughout 2022 Positive Impact has worked on enabling a just transition to  low carbon by providing free resources in collaboration with SME Climate Hub on  carbon, human rights, ISO 20121 and more.  

The Ask:

For The Business Visits and Events Partnership (tbc Event Industry Board), UK Government (BEIS, DCMS,  FCDO, Cabinet Office), SME Climate hub, Race to Zero Accelerator. to join a private meeting in September 2022, facilitated by not for profit Positive  as part of their Road to COP27 series.  

The intention for the meeting is to explore how the following could be possible for  launch at COP27: 

  1. The UK government announced 100% of their event supply chain is being asked to  make a net zero carbon commitment. (This is in line with new Race to Zero  criteria).

  2. UK government announce they have supported the UK SME event supply  chain to join The Race to Zero, in collaboration with SME Climate Hub and  Race to Zero Accelerator for Event SMEs Positive Impact and with the support of Business Visits and Events Partnership

The gaps and opportunities between where we are now and the potential for COP27:

  1. Opportunity: The UK government can announce at COP27 that the UK event  sector is an example of a majority SME sector that is experiencing a just  transition to low carbon, using free resources from partners and building  capacity to address future business opportunities

  2. Opportunity: The Cabinet Office can extend legacy from COP26 

  3. Opportunity: DCMS can ensure their partners (eg Visit Britain) are in action  in line with government and global business commitment by joining The  UNFCCC Race to Zero 

  4. The Gap: According to feedback from event sector associations event SME’s  are experiencing overwhelm following challenging Covid years and staff  shortages. Making a net zero commitment, joining The Race to Zero and  utilising the free resources is an opportunity to future proof their business  

  5. Opportunity: Existing initiatives within The Race to Zero enabled by SME  climate hub could be cross pollinated to other SME communities e.g. ‘Green  Street for Retail’ to be extended to events.  

  6. Opportunity: In addition to the UK Government, BEIS and SME Climate Hub  will have an example of an SME sector experiencing a just transition to low  carbon.  

  7. Opportunity: A further proofed UK event sector which can be marketed  around the world to attract business. 

  8. Opportunity: Events will be used by the UK government to communicate low carbon commitments and achievements and this approach will ensure the integrity of the event.

The Longer-Term Opportunities for the Development of the UK Event Sector:

  1. BVEP members receive access to a Race to Zero Accelerator Programme  workshop series enabled by Positive Impact, SME Climate Hub and other  accelerators including Climate Action for Associations. This would enable the  SME’s to progress towards net zero as a community rather than the existing  approach of providing free resources to each individual business.  

  2. 100% of UK universities which deliver event management education could  give their students the opportunity to make a sustainability commitment and  access resources including those from Race to Zero Accelerators. 

  3. Visit Britain could market the UK as an event destination with a supply chain  with a net zero carbon commitment.