Agenda for August Monthly Meeting
T-Mobile to think about during meeting:
What are your expectations?
What do you want and need from Positive Impact?
0-5: Welcome by Positive Impact
5-10: Positive Impact to outline the new website and process for collaboration and Positive Impact to respond to any of T-Mobile’s questions on our new process.
10-15: Each member of the sustainability team responds to the question: 'In your personal opinion, what would you say if someone asked you, what do the SDGs mean for T-Mobile's events'.
15-21: Feedback from T-Mobile on the supply chain webinar agenda.
Each member of the sustainability team to feedback what they think the supply chains reaction will be to this agenda.
Positive Impact and T-Mobile to identify any gaps in current agenda which would prevent optimal supply chain engagement.
Positive Impact and T-Mobile finalise logistics on date, time of webinar and which member will be joining the webinar.
See agenda below:
0-2: Welcome by Positive Impact
Introduction to what sustainability means
2-3: Positive Impact asks T-Mobile: ‘What does sustainability mean to you, why are you on this journey?’
3-5: T-Mobile answer question above
5-10: Video from Sir David King and UNFCCC on the need for sustainability and carbon reduction.
10-12: Positive Impact introduce ‘Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation’ with a slide outlining the 6 steps and how to sign up.
12-13: Positive Impact ask T-Mobile: ‘What are your future expectations with your supply chain regarding net zero commitments’
13-15: T-Mobile answer question above
Potential answer could be:
We can’t force this by understand it is important
Looking for innovation from suppliers
Happy to share this initiative with suppliers as is providing the solution
15-20: Positive Impact breaks down the exact process and steps to take for ‘Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation’
20-25: Final message from T-Mobile to share with suppliers
21-26: Positive Impact to provide update on the ‘Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation’. Positive Impact and T-Mobile decide on sustainability team member to sign up for the ‘Road to COP26: Event Sector Transformation’ with the intention that this team member will feedback and understand the journey T-Mobile supply chain are potentially taking in every monthly meeting.
An example of the feedback from chosen member of Sustainability Team in future meetings could be:
Which are their favourite materials and why?
What are T-Mobile’s suppliers say and why?
26- 36: Positive Impact to outline the homework, materials for workshop 1 and summarise what needs to happen before workshop one.
Positive Impact and T-Mobile to assign responsibilities to sustainability team before workshop 1.
Responsibilities are:
Taking the minutes for the workshop
Recording and leading on the homework
Group responsibilities (or the homework to prepare for workshop 1):
Asking and answering questions on T-Mobile’s scope
Asking and answering questions on T-Mobile’s interested parties
Provide context on T-Mobile including:
What is your organisation’s purpose or, in other words what does your company exists to do?
Considering what your issues could be (Including, legal and legacy issues)
36-45: Positive Impact to provide context for plans for UN international day of peace. T-Mobile and Positive Impact to decide on T-Mobile attendance of this event (21st of September).
45-55: Positive Impact provides 10-minute mentoring on a chosen topic or questions/topic provided by T-Mobile.
Topics include:
Planning your event considering human and child rights? The importance of safeguarding and meaningful participation.
How to have a good work life balance
Where are you listening from, the importance of listening?
How events create participation and inclusion, forwarding the future of human connection.
The role of women in the event sector and achieving carbon goals
Engaging and transforming your supply chain
The importance of COP26 for event sector transformation.
55-60: 5 minute emergency time and last questions